Learning Center
Yeshaya Class
Text-based, interactive, in-depth exploration of the books of Tanach using both classical sources as well as modern commentaries. For beginners to advanced. Currently studying the Book of Yeshaya (Isaiah).
Every Shabbos afternoon. See shul bulletin for times.
Understanding Rabbinic Judaism
Weekly class, studying the classic text, be’er hagolah, by the maharal, and gaining a better appreciation of rabbinic judaism
Thursday’s at 11:00 AM in the Chapel.
Semichas Chaver Program
In-depth study of pertinent Halachos, with tests, and certification upon completion. For men. Registration is required. Please contact Rabbi Motzen at yisrael.motzen@gmail.com.
Thursday’s at 8:30 PM
Women's Halacha Class
Currently learning about the Kosher Kitchen.
An in-depth source-based Halacha class for women.
From the Talmud through the Shulchan Aruch through the modern authorities.
Sundays at 8:30 AM
The Closing of Solomon Schechter and the Future of Judaism Parshas Vayechi
One of the most important works on Jewish sociology of the 20th century was Professor Marshall Sklare’s book, Conservative Judaism. It was published in 1955, the heyday of the Conservative movement, during which many graduates of Orthodox yeshivas were taking pulpits...
Living Outside the Ghetto Parshas Vayigash
I have to get something off my chest – In 2012, I served as the interim rabbi of Ner Tamid. During that time, the shul conducted a national search to find a rabbi. I was one of the candidates, and appropriately given the same treatment as the others. There was a...
Not Looking for a Bashert Parshas Chayei Sarah
Ladies and gentlemen, I have solved our fundraising challenges once and for all. I came up with an idea so good that we will never ask you for money again. I present to you- A strikingly similar piece of art was sold by Sotheby’s this past week for 6.2 million...
Laws of Lulav and Esrog
Who can think of Sukkos? We haven’t even celebrated Rosh Hashana! The Talmud instructs us to study the laws pertaining to a holiday 30 days before the holiday. It’s less than 30 days to Sukkos and the laws of Lulav and Esrog are complicated and many. So let’s begin!...
Laws of the Sukkah
A few Halachos pertaining to building a Sukkah: - One must first build the walls and then place the s’chach. Placing the s’chach first and then building the walls would invalidate the Sukkah. - One must make sure there is no overhang (roof, leaves, etc.) over the...
Laws of Tisha B’av and the Day After
The following activities are forbidden on Tisha B’av: – Eating and drinking (If one has any medical concerns please contact me before the fast) – Intimacy – Studying Torah that does not pertain to Tisha B’av – Washing oneself in any way. This includes a...