The youth of Ner Tamid Congregation enjoy interactive, age-appropriate Shabbos and Chag morning groups designed to prepare them for future years of religious observance. Ner Tamid is proud to have all of our groups led by youth professionals and experienced teachers.

Talk-of-the-Town Shabbos Groups
Over 100 weekly participants from Mommy & Me to Shmuz-n-Snacks for teens.

Unique Programs
Harry Potter Shabbos, 25-hour Shabbos lock-in, and more!

Celebrating Chagim
Meaningful & age-appropriate programming for every Jewish holiday.

Community Engagement
We partner with YACHAD, Ahavas Yisrael, and other local organizations.
About the Program
With every program, activity and interaction, our youth department aims to create meaningful Jewish experiences that will continue to spark children’s interest and love for Torah, the Jewish People, and themselves! Our Morot are not only educators but also members of the Ner Tamid family. Our signature Shabbos and Yom Tov morning groups are exciting, welcoming, and something our youth look forward to week after week. Come join us!
Shabbos and Chag Group schedule:
Tiny Tots (Ages 2 – 4): 10:15 am – End of Services, Room 1
Gan (Ages 4 – 6): 10:15 am – End of Services, Room 11
Junior Minyan (Grades 1 – 2): 10:15 am – End of Services, Room 6
Mishnayos and Cocoa (Grades 3 – 6): 10:00 – 10:15 AM, Room 9
Tween Minyan (Grades 3 – 6): 10:15 – End of Services, Room 9
Shmuz and Snack (Grades 6 – 12): 10:15 – 11 am, Room 7
TeenMincha Every Shabbos afternoon, mincha in the main shul is led by teens, followed by a delicious teen Shalosh Suedos. To participate, please contact Eliav Hamburger at
Rebbetzin Hindy Motzen, LCSW
Interim Youth Program Leader
Rebbetzin Hindy Motzen is the Interim Youth Director. In addition to being a mother of five children and Rabbi Motzen’s partner in leading Ner Tamid, Rebbetzin Motzen serves as the Abuse Prevention Program Manager of CHANA Baltimore. She previously served as the guidance counselor of Bnos Yisroel’s Middle School.
Want to learn more?
For information about youth programming, contact Rebbetzin Motzen at