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Yeshaya Class

Text-based, interactive, in-depth exploration of the books of Tanach using both classical sources as well as modern commentaries.  For beginners to advanced. Currently studying the Book of Yeshaya (Isaiah).  

Every Shabbos afternoon.  See shul bulletin for times. 

Understanding Rabbinic Judaism

Weekly class, studying the classic text, be’er hagolah, by the maharal, and gaining a better appreciation of rabbinic judaism

Thursday’s at 11:00 AM in the Chapel. 

Semichas Chaver Program

In-depth study of pertinent Halachos, with tests, and certification upon completion.  For men.  Registration is required.  Please contact Rabbi Motzen at yisrael.motzen@gmail.com. 

Thursday’s at 8:30 PM 

Women's Halacha Class


Currently learning about the Kosher Kitchen.

An in-depth source-based Halacha class for women.  

From the Talmud through the Shulchan Aruch through the modern authorities.

Sundays at 8:30 AM 


The Real Leadership Crisis Parshas Korach

Allow me to paint a fictional picture of two political candidates. As you listen, I want you to think about which one of these candidates you would vote for. Imagine the scene – Imagine that on this stage, there are two people vying for the role of leader. One is...

To Kvetch is Human Parshas B’haa’los’cha

For all those in denial, the AI revolution is here. This past week, stock for Nvidia, the company that produces chips for AI, surpassed the value of all other companies. If you own stocks in Nvidia, I hope you enjoy them. At least until AI overruns the world. For over...

The Charedi Draft Law and Us Shavuos Yizkor

The timing could not be worse; the 250th day of captivity, the 249th of war, over 100,000 people are displaced due to rocket fire in the north, tens of thousands are in reserves, leaving their jobs and families in the lurch, international pressure continues to...


Laws of Purim 2024

One should make an extra effort to hear the special reading of Parshas Zachor being read at shul this Shabbos. There will be a second reading of Parshas Zachor 10 minutes afters services at Ner Tamid.  If one missed the reading, one should make sure to be in shul...

Laws of the Three Weeks and Nine Days 2023

The Three Weeks of Mourning begin July 6th. It is a time of mournful reflection on the destroyed Bais HaMikdash and subsequent tragedies. In order to instill within ourselves a sense of loss, our Sages instituted numerous restrictions to create a feeling of sadness....

Laws of Lulav and Esrog

Who can think of Sukkos? We haven’t even celebrated Rosh Hashana! The Talmud instructs us to study the laws pertaining to a holiday 30 days before the holiday. It’s less than 30 days to Sukkos and the laws of Lulav and Esrog are complicated and many. So let’s begin!...


Digital Judaism