I don’t fear the clamor, the chants, or the rallies,
Nor force, or clashes, (though I do fear fatalities.)
I don’t fear debate, fiercer than fire,
The cause is too noble to suggest it be quieter.
What I do fear is that racism (like anti-semitism) has no good solution.
That lives will be lost and still no revolution.
That storefronts will be rebuilt but bloody soil’s exposed,
Until it happens again and the anger explodes.
What I fear is not protests, and riots, and rage.
What I fear is when it’s over that the world will not change.
What I fear is (R)Tweets and likes that fill us with pride,
In the safety of our skin while others must fight –
Prejudice and platitudes equally painful,
Not recognizing our bias is in some ways most shameful.
But perhaps all my feelings are a seed **I** must sow,
On a field **I** must toil over for true change to grow,
If I open myself to your pain like the rain,
Then maybe just maybe I’ll harvest some change.